Monday 27 May 2013


Half way between Greece and Turkey the engine alarm came on. No charging, no oil pressure and too high engine temperature.
We had a nice wind and were motor sailing towards Knidos. I quickly stopped the engine and Ulla continued sailing. Soon I found out that we didn't have any drive belt any moore. A few days ago we had discussed if we had a spare one on board. Yes we found one and now was the time to use it. The boat was rolling and I was laying down beside the engine releasing the generator and putting on the new belt. As always when you work with a boat engine a bit uncomfortable. The belt came into position and I tighted it up and started the engine again. Everything was working.
In Datca we took the broken belt and went to the gulet captains usually sitting at a cafe in the harbour. No problem they said, just take a taxi they know where to go. So we did and we ended up at the sanayi just outside town. There we bought two so now we have spare ones.
Sanayis is an excellent turkish invention where a lot of workshops of all kind are situated. If they don't have what you need, they make it.


  1. Excellent, I have done this on a combine and can imagine the heat, tight room, sharp corners and dropped screws and nuts. Boat and combine, same same. But I am a bit worried if the oil preassure was gone. Is there not an internal oil pump, independant of the drive belt?

    1. Yes, but maybe it was because the oil cooler didn't get any water?
