Saturday, 12 July 2014

Kelibia - a big fishing harbor

Kelibia is very different to Monastir. It's a working place. The harbour is full of fishing boats, there is a huge travel lift to take care of even the biggest boats and there is a yard building new wooden boats. There is several hundreds of fishing boats but less than five pleasure boats. We have been here for almost a week and like the place. The town is 3 km away so we get good exercise almost every day. We also walked to the fort on top of the nearby hill. It is the biggest in Tunisia and very strategic close to Sicily and Malta.

Monastir - a nice place

We stayed in Monastir for a month. It was a very nice experience. People are friendly, the marina is good and the officials are ok.
There was only one more swedish boat, Catten from Uppsala which was on hard standing to cure osmosis. We had a nice time together, playing Okey and Quirky, watching fotball and other things.
Monastit is a bit touristic with the hotels and marina.

the grand mosque

the market

midsummer eve celebration on msy Catten

the ribat, the monastery

Sunday, 6 July 2014

A lunch break

On the way back to Monastir we stopped in a small village to have lunch. It's easy to find the place, they have put up a skin or a head from a newly slaughtered sheep outside and there are plenty of them.
We stopped at one of them and asked if we could eat there. As we understood it was possible so we sat down, The choice was easy, sheep or sheep. The only thing was that we had to decide how much. When we said 200 grams the cook went in to the building and we could here, tjopp, tjopp and then he came out with the meat and put in on the bbq. He then went across the street to get fries, tomatoes and cucumbers, and bread. There was an excellent meal!

Midés, the mountain oas

Up in the Atlas mountains we drove on a small road to reach the Midés oas. It's almost on the algerian border and we could see the watch towers. Here we met a nice guide who took us on a walk in the canyon. Down there we saw traces of wild boar and cobras. Where we walked it was now dry and 40 degrees but in winter it was three meter of water and it had happened that the village on the top had been flooded.
Here the movie "The english patient" was shot. It is a spectacular area with high mountains, deep canyons and palm trees.