Sunday, 31 March 2013


Cappadocia was created some million years ago by the vulcanos. They errupted and created a thick layor of tuff that became a soft rock. People discovered that it was is easy to dig caves in the rocks and even whole underground cities.

The area is situated in the Central Anatolian province of Turkey.

It's interresting with all the rock formations, caves, valleys, underground cities etc..

We came here by car in march from Finike and stayed for a week at the Travellers Cave Pension.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Sultanhani caravanserai

The caravanserais were built during the 13th century by the seljuks. They are also called "han". It was resting places for the camel caravans on the Silk Road with a distance of 15 to 30 km apart.

The Sultanhani is the biggest in Anatolia. There were stables, food, summer and winter accommodation, prayer room - everything the caravans needed.

Mevlana and the dervishes in Konya

Mevlana created the order of the whirling dervishes in the 13th centuary.

Men in long white robes spin around leaving the worldly attachements to be reborn in a mystical union with god. A kettle drum and a reed flute plays.
The 17th of december is celebrated as Mevlanas marriage to Allah.

"Those who enter here incomplete comes out perfect" inscription on the silver door of the Mevlana maosoleum.

Saturday, 16 March 2013


There has been a strange phenomena in the harbour during the last couple of days.

The water level has suddenly rised and dropped by half a meter in ten minutes. It is caused by a rapid decrease and increase in the air pressure. It is well known in south Sicily and called marrobbio or meteotsunami.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Not a walk in the park

Every week we do at least one walk.
This week we took the dolmus for half an hour up north and then walked in a narrow valley for about ten kilometers up to the Alakir mountain lake. It was a beautiful walk in the wilderness which ended in a picnic.
On the way back we stopped at Haselyurt for a cup of cay. With a lot of englishmen it's always appropiate to have a cup of tea.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Rahmaninov in Antalya

Every second friday we take the bus to Antalya to attend a consert. Yeasterday it was Mendelssohn and Rahmaninov. Piyano Koncertosu No. 3 Re minor,Op 30 was played by Turkeys leading pianoplayer Gülsin Onay. It was magnificent and after three extra numbers and standing ovations  the audience was finally satisfied.

Before the consert we go to a big mall where everyone can spend their money and we also go to a kebabci to eat.

When we return to Finike around midnight most of us are quiet except one lady who talks continously from entering the bus at 2 o'clock until leaving it at midnight.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Finicus Concreteus (Linneus)

In Finike there is not so many trees except for all the orange and lemon trees. When they need to build something of wood they have invented the tree Finicus Concreteus of which they make park benches and bridges all over the town. An advantage of this tree is that it last for ever and it comes in all sizes and shapes.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Market day in Finike

Saturday is market day i Finike. It's like a big supermarket. Everything can be bought, knifes, trousers, stoves, fruit and vegetables and much more.

Best are all the fresh produce the farmers from the neighborhood brings in.

We bought oranges, lemons, apples, pears, pomegranates, bananas and potatoes, brussel sprouts, red peppers, cabbage and walnuts and dried apricots and figs and fresh trouts.

It's a luxury which is hard to resist.